Product & UX Design

Putting the customer first, we combine user insights, UX best practices, and agile brand strategy to create intuitive, seamless digital experiences that differentiate your brand and products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users.

Product / UX Design

Service Benefits

  • Create better solution
  • Minimise development costs
  • Increase customer loyalty and retention
  • Reduce needs for instructions and customer service
  • Reduces cost and save money
  • Get Your Competitors’ Customers
  • Retain Users for a Long Time
  • Interaction Acknowledgment
  • Increases Conversion Rates of Your Platform

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    Scope of work

    • User Research
      User experience (UX) research is the process of gathering insights and about users' behaviors, needs, and pain points, through observation techniques and feedback methodologies. The goal is to understand your users and gain context and perspectives to help make informed decisions, and build user-centered products. User research can be performed in many ways such as surveys and interviews, and represents the insights gathered from users and customers that are leveraged to help make product decisions at any stage of the development process.
    • User journey
      If you already know who your users are and have a clear picture of how they will be using your product, the cerating of the flowchart which describing the process of user’s interaction with the product; steps you want your future users to take in the design and what they will interact with throughout their “travel”. Mapping out user journeys should form part of your wider development and business strategy. UX designers can assess issues or gaps that can be redesigned and optimised, thereby allowing user goals to be reached quicker and more efficiently.
    • Data Driven Design
      Data-driven design can be defined as a decision-making approach to the design process that heavily relies on collected data about customers’ behavior and attitude. Design data de-risks ideas and enhances decision-making for the whole team. Data-driven design is a UX design technique based on collecting and analyzing data to improve the user experience of a app, site or design. The approach is based on using visual, behavioral and market research data to inform how we design and develop services, products, and experiences for consumers.
    • Competitive Analysis
      Competitive analysis is a vital step in the early stages of product development, especially when creating innovative products. As UXers, we iterate products and services countless times. Carrying out a focused and thoughtful UX competitor analysis can help you generate more profit for the business, changing significant design elements of your product or service, or persuading key team members to innovate or move in the right direction.By learning from your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses you can strategically design to create a superior product or experience.
    • Wireframe & Flows
      Wireframes and user flows are essential tools created early in the design and development process. Wireframes are a basic for creating UI mockups for how a website or app looks, while user flows show how our users will move through an interface. Creating wireframes is an important step to achieve UX exceptional design. While UX design is most concerned about the constructive part of our idea, the UI will get to work with the aesthetic part and appearance. Using these tools together can help minimize confusion around content and layout as you work on your project.
    • High Fidelity Design
      The fidelity of the prototype refers to the level of details and functionality built into a prototype. A high-fidelity, sometimes referred as high-fi or hi-fi prototype is an interactive representation of the product in its closest resemblance to the final design in terms of details which allows us to examine usability questions in detail and make conclusions about the user behaviour. High-fidelity prototypes allow realistic user interactions and enable rapid design changes. We can test concepts before development begins, and quickly make modifications throughout iterative cycles.
    • User personas & storyboard
      As a UX designers, we start the design process by conducting user research-building empathy with your target users and identifying exactly what they need from the product we’re designing. A persona is generally based on this user research and incorporates the needs, goals, and observed behavior patterns of target audience. A storyboard is a graphic portrayal of a narrative or concept, divided into sequential scenes. Stories are an excellent way to communicate information. They make it easier for people to understand complex concepts and tend to be more interesting than informative text.
    • Usability Tests
      Usability testing is the best way to see how easy to use something is by testing it with real users. They can help us test your application from a user perspective, refine your product and make sure that it is meeting user expectations and business goals. Usability tests is a method of testing the functionality of a website, app, or other digital product by observing real users. The goal of usability testing is to reveal areas of confusion and uncover opportunities to improve the overall user experience. Interface should be easy to use, and usability testing is an essential step in getting there.
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    Our team developed a VR app for Ferrari enthusiasts that offers an immersive driving experience on two tracks - Monza and Yas Marina. Using advanced VR technologies such as real physics engines, 3D graphics, and haptic feedback, the app provides a realistic feel that mimics the actual driving experience.

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