Web Development

We provide on-demand teams for development projects, web development, e-commerce, app development, or any development work for any industry. Our development team will deliver results with the latest technology trends, from simple to complex projects.


Service Benefits

  • Increased Visibility / Customized Design
  • Brand Consistency
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Mobile-friendly Design
  • Increased conversions
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Maintenance and Updates
  • Cost savings
  • Credibility and Increased revenue

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    Scope of work

    • Front-end Development
      Front End development, also known as client-side development, is focused on the user-facing part of web development and involves creating the visual layout and interactive features of a website or application. It's all about creating intuitive interfaces, great navigation tools, and ease of use. Our Front-end developers have various skills, including HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript (JS) frameworks such as React, Vue.Js, Angular, Bootstrap and SQL. Shindiri FE devs use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and functional interfaces.
    • Back-end Development
      Back-end development is the part of software development that emphasizes on server-side development. Shindiri back-end developers create the server-side logic of a web application, we often use PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, and C# and Frameworks like Node.js, Express.js, and Laravel. Shindiri back-end developers ensure that the web application is secure and can handle a large number of users, which requires the use of other technologies like caching, load balancing, and security protocols, and demonstrating their skills across ideating, scoping, implementation, and problem-solving.
    • WordPress
      WordPress is the most popular site-building platform in the world. We've built hundreds of websites with WordPress, including some to help new sites get off the ground quickly. Our team has more than a decade of experience assisting people to create and maintain their WordPress-powered sites, from complex e-commerce sites to enterprise-level applications. We contribute to the WP platform by developing themes, plugins, and other add-ons. Shindiri creates different custom templates, themes, and plugins to make your site look and function the way you want.
    • SaaS
      Saas Apps provides a scalable, distributed, and secure platform for hosting applications for your business. Rely on our software as a service (SaaS) to ensure the highest levels of stability, usability, and security in your application hosting. We create SaaS applications to be scalable, so they can handle increased usage without requiring significant additional resources. SaaS solutions can be very beneficial for your businesses. Our team is well-versed in providing high-quality software service solutions that are reliable and secure for our clients and their customers.
    • Enterprise
      Enterprise development is a fully-featured, ready cloud platform built for business. At Shindiri, we understand the challenges that come with enterprise-level web development. Building a website that can handle high traffic and a global audience is no small task, but we have the expertise and know-how to tailor it to your specific needs. We use the latest technologies and best practices to ensure that your website is optimized for speed and performance, which is essential for providing a great user experience for your visitors on enterprise-level businesses.
    • PWA - Progressive Web Apps
      Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are web application that provides a user experience similar to that of a native mobile app. We take your web application to the next level using web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), and we use a variety of frameworks and libraries such as Angular, React, Vue.js, etc. PWA can be accessed through a web browser like a regular website and can also be installed on a user's device and run offline, so users can still use the app on low-quality networks on all types of devices and platforms, which allows a more native-like experience.
    • CMS Development
      Custom management system (CMS) development is a web solution for small and medium-sized businesses. That's why we offer custom management system (CMS) development services created to provide an affordable and easy-to-use solution for businesses of all sizes. CMS development is built with user-friendliness in mind, making it easy for non-technical users to manage and update their website's content. You'll be able to easily create and edit pages, manage media, and handle all other aspects of your website's content without needing any coding skills.
    • QA Testing
      Quality assurance (QA) testing is essential to any software development project. QA testing is an integral part of our development process, and we take it very seriously. Our team will work closely with you throughout the development process to ensure that every requirement of your website or app is met. Once the QA testing is complete, we will provide you with a comprehensive report outlining any issues that were found. We understand the importance of delivering a high quality product and will work diligently to ensure that your website or app is ready for launch.
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    Dell hospital

    The Dell Healthcare Interactive 3D Hospital of the Future is a virtual tour showcasing the latest advancements in medical technology and infrastructure. Sponsored by Dell, the experience offers a seamless integration of Dell devices and solutions within the healthcare environment.

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