Building Better React Apps: Key Libraries You Need to Know


Published by:

Shindiri Dev Team


9min Read

As a React developer, staying updated with the latest libraries and tools is crucial to enhance productivity and create robust applications. With a vast array of options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right libraries. However, fear not! In this article, we will explore the top 5 must-know libraries for React developers, and discover how these powerful tools can streamline your development process and empower you to build exceptional web applications.

1. Redux


When it comes to managing the application's global state in a structured manner, Redux is a go-to library. By providing a centralized store and enabling components to access and update the state efficiently, Redux ensures predictability and simplicity in state management. With its unidirectional data flow, Redux facilitates easier debugging and testing of applications. Additionally, the vast ecosystem of extensions and middleware support make Redux a powerful choice for managing complex state in React applications.


Key Features:

  • Centralized state management
  • Simplifies complex state management tasks
  • Strong community support and documentation


Link: Redux

2. React Router


To ensure seamless navigation and routing in your React applications, React Router comes to the rescue. With features like nested routes, route parameters, and code-splitting, this library simplifies the process of handling complex routing scenarios. Furthermore, React Router empowers developers to create dynamic, single-page applications with multiple views and URL mapping. Say goodbye to navigation headaches and provide a seamless user experience with React Router.


Key Features:

  • Declarative routing
  • Supports nested routes and route parameters
  • Seamless integration with React components


Link: React Router

3. Material-UI


To create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces, Material-UI is an invaluable asset. By implementing Google's Material Design guidelines, Material-UI offers a comprehensive collection of pre-built, customizable components. From buttons to forms and navigation elements, this library has got you covered. With theming support, you can effortlessly customize the design to match your application's branding. Elevate the aesthetics of your React applications with Material-UI.


Key Features:

  • Pre-built components following Material Design guidelines
  • Highly customizable
  • Responsive design


Link: Material-UI

4. Axios


Fetching data from APIs or sending data to a server is made easier with Axios, a popular JavaScript library. With its user-friendly API, Axios simplifies asynchronous operations and enhances error handling in React applications. The library supports request cancellation, interceptors, and automatic serialization, making it a versatile choice for handling network requests. Say goodbye to tedious manual HTTP handling and embrace Axios for streamlined data fetching.


Key Features:

  • Simple and intuitive API
  • Supports all major HTTP methods
  • Request and response interceptors


Link: Axios

5. React Query:


When it comes to data-fetching and synchronization, React Query comes to the forefront. This powerful library simplifies state management and provides hooks for fetching, caching, and updating data. Background refetching, caching strategies, and optimistic updates are just a few of the features that React Query offers, enhancing the performance and user experience of your application. By incorporating React Query, you can streamline your data management and create responsive applications with ease.


Key Features:

  • Data Fetching and Caching
  • Optimistic Updates
  • Query Invalidation and Refetching


Link: React Query

6. Conclusion


By integrating these top 5 essential libraries for React development – React Router, Redux, Axios, React Query, and Material-UI – into our development process at Shindiri Studio, we significantly enhance our productivity and elevate the quality of our web applications. Each library brings unique functionalities to the table, allowing us to streamline specific aspects of React development. With React Router, we ensure seamless navigation and routing, while Redux enables us to manage global state in a structured manner, enhancing predictability and simplicity. Axios simplifies data fetching and handling asynchronous operations, while React Query optimizes data management and synchronization. Finally, Material-UI empowers us to create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces, adhering to Google's Material Design guidelines.


By leveraging these libraries, we can build scalable, maintainable, and feature-rich applications efficiently, ultimately delivering remarkable results to our clients. At Shindiri Studio, we embrace these libraries as integral components of our development toolkit, enabling us to embark on a journey of enhanced development and achieve excellence in every project we undertake.